My own puppets: Child's Play

Child's Play

Photo/puppets: Copyright © 1994 Emre Yilmaz.

My brother Lev and I were part of an exhibition about kids and media violence called "Child's Play" at the end of 1994 in the Boston area. It showed at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education, and a puppet video we did was also shown at the Decordova Museum later.

This is one of about 6 quick and dirty sculptures I did for the show out of brown paper and wire. The faces would light up with little projections using transparencies and light bulbs-- guns, hands, TV sets, I don't remember what else. I wish I had a picture of the 6 of them together; they looked cooler that way than solo.

I'd always intended to light the lot of them on fire on the side of a highway eventually, but one weekend when I went to visit my mom it turned out the woman from the local antiques store wanted them (along with a lot of my mom's old furniture) to distribute around her store. Here's one of them sitting in the store. I doubt they're still there.

This web page and puppet designs copyright © 1996 Emre Yilmaz